Sunday, July 27, 2014

Beethoven and the rain

Instead of sitting inside to to do some errands online I sat on the porch in the rain.   While outside I listened to Beethoven Op. 101.

The sonata is one of my favorites as of late, along with Op. 110. After thinking about it, there are slow passages in both in the middle-upper register, which I find the most beautiful of all the tones on a piano.

Despite my recent foray into Russian music, Beethoven remains an ever present friend, especially in the rain.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

All thy fullness

I have been on the surgery rotation at the VA hospital for the past 2.5 weeks.  It has been a good experience - I am learning more and more every day about what it means to function as an intern and am getting an idea about what it means to be a resident, and ultimately, a surgeon.  The more time I spend on surgery the more I enjoy the time - I am beyond excited to have this as my future career.

On the drive to the VA every morning and back to my house I listen to the same song, recorded by Hope College's Chapel Band: All Thy Fullness:

All Thy Fullness

You are my fullness, firm and steady;
To lavish mercies, at the ready;
Despite my wand’ring, Despite my weakness
Unrelenting strength and goodness

Holy Holy
God almighty
All thy fullness
Here beside me

You are my courage, truth and wisdom
Guiding hand and purest vision
Hope in fear, joy in victr’y
endless song, hope and yearning

I am breaking, you are building
I am empty, you are filling
In my silence, you are speaking
In my dying, ever living

Holy Holy
God almighty
All Thy fullness
Here beside me

Holy Holy
All Thy fullness
Here among us

It is centering, to listen to this as I go to and from work.