Monday, October 17, 2011


Well hello!

It's funny how time gets away from you, especially when you are busy. Class, labs, studying, meetings, small groups, and the like. Last post I made a promise that I wouldn't be delinquent about writing, and here I am, a month after my previous entry, writing again. (I apologize.)

Cells and Tissues is long gone; Clinical Foundations of Medicine flew by; and two-ish weeks ago I took my deep breath before the plunge that is the Cardiovascular/Respiratory sequence. Each sequence has a different quality and reputation, and the current one is reputed to be one of the best. Gone are the long lists of acronyms and cellular pathways, here are models of how the heart and lungs work. It's all variations on a theme: there's a pressure or concentration difference and everything goes downhill.

I've been taking most of my quizzes on Friday so weekends have been blissfully free. Two weeks ago my cousin Bruce came out with a friend Robbie, which was wonderful. This past weekend was jam packed: Fall Ball (a medical school formal) was on Friday night; on Saturday I went to Akron, Ohio with my friend from my class, Nicko, for a concert; yesterday afternoon I went apple picking with around ten other people from my class. Sometimes I think that I tire myself out on the weekends more than I tire myself out during the week!

As far as this week, things are looking great. I've got a dissection and am pumpkin carving with the Galen's Medical Society tomorrow, am hosting a potluck for members of the Christian Medical Association, and my roommate (Nick Holst) and a friend from undergrad (Rob "RIB" Peterson) are coming to visit for the weekend!

On an aside, I've been in Ann Arbor for 2 months and 22 days. Lifeisablur.

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