Sunday, November 27, 2011

The (first) home stretch...

Well hello!

MSK is now over and this past week was Thanksgiving break! It was my first time being at home for a significant portion of time since July, and it was absolutely marvelous. Some highlights:

  • Dinner at Daniel Erick's new HOUSE! It was wonderful get a little slice of his married life in Hudsonville
  • Spending time with David Giles, a med school friend originally from Oregon who came to our house for Thanksgiving break
  • Trying to make up for months of missed board game time with Bruce Kraay, my cousin
  • Visiting with my grandparents! It was so good to see them!!!
  • Thanksgiving at the Holleman's house. It never ceases to amaze me how such a large quantity of
    excellent food can be consumed at one location by 20ish people. Thank you for hosting, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Lynne!
  • Walking along Lake Michigan on Friday - it was a blustery cloudless day; the sound of the lake was all-enveloping as I took a stroll along the water's edge.
The most exciting thing that happened during break was the big game: U of M vs. Ohio. (That other school from Colombus doesn't even get the dignity of being called by its proper name.) One of my best friends, Matt, and his wife, Casey, came out for the game on Friday night. On Saturday morning there was a bit of a mishap: I could not for the life of me find one of the tickets. I scoured my entire car and apartment twice, and the ticket did not turn up. Depressed and downtrodden, we set out for the tailgate party under the assumption that I would watch the game back at my apartment while Matt and Casey were in the Big House. We got around a minute away and Matt said, "John, we need t
o look for the ticket one more time".

To make a long story short, the ticket was found inside my sweatshirt pocket. I have not been so excited for the longest time - I sang the Hallelujah Chorus bounding down the stairwell. After a couple of other mishaps we got into the game, which was an absolute blast. In my past I have not gotten into games, but this game was unlike any other in the past. Before Saturday, Michigan had not beaten Ohio for seven years. Entire graduating classes of Wolverienes had not witnessed a U of M victory. When Michigan came out on top on Saturday after the harrowing finish the entire stadium nearly exploded. Students rushed the field, Sweet Caroline blared over the speakers, and the entire city celebrated.

On another note, I'm on the (first) home stretch: 3 weeks until Christmas break! If you'd like to hang out or visit, let me know!



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