Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hitting a sweet spot

Well hello!

The middle of the winter, which hasn't been like winter, has finally arrived. That dreaded month, February, is finally here. It's odd for the first time being away from the West side of the state for an entire wintertime - the absence of snow is somewhat startling. Compounding my confusion about the weather is the fact that temperatures have regularly topped 50 degrees. Turning to look out the window, it's a sunny, 48 degree day. To tell the truth, I miss the quiet, deep feeling that comes from having nature enveloped in a blanket of snow. Yes, the sunshine is nice, but winter does not feel like winter to me unless I look out the window and all I see is white.

School has been going well. We just finished up with the Gastrointestinal sequence, which was one of my favorites. Yes, memorizing all of the biochemical pathways was a bit tedious, but after they were learned I was able to take a step back and appreciate how fearfully and wonderfully we are made. Everything is connected. Additionally, the anatomy of the gut was my favorite material that I have learned thus far in medical school. Over 30 feet of plumbing is inside the abdomen - seeing it all is quite an amazing experience.

The new sequence that we're starting is a short one - Endocrine/Reproduction. In short, there are a bunch of little molecules floating around in your blood that are released in response to certain events, and they act all over the place to cause your body to respond properly. Eating and absorbing sugar is an incredibly complex and important process.

Outside of school and the weather, I am being blessed. Recently I joined a small group from my church, Grace Ann Arbor, and although I have only been to one meeting, I know that I will grow from being in the fellowship of other believers. Our apartment is hosting a Super Bowl party this upcoming Sunday, which should be a marvelous time. I'm still getting to play the piano every day - Rachmaninoff Preludes are my most recent project. God is good!

On an aside, I'm going to be back in Holland on Wednesday! I'm excited to see my family!!!



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