Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Calm Before the Storm

Well hello!

I am currently writing from the middle of a CFM week - one of the weeks where I get to actually feel like a "real" doctor. The two big tasks this week were to learn the abdominal and musculoskeletal (MSK) physical exams. The former is rather simple - you look at the abdomen, listen to it with your stethoscope, percuss it, and finally palpate. As long as the person doesn't have a big liver or spleen, they're generally OK. For the MSK exam all that one does is go through each joint of the body, move it every which way, as well as try a few specialized tests for the rotator cuff, cruciate and collateral ligaments, and the menisci. Although it seems brief, what I've just written is the distilled essence of both exams, simple and straightforward.

With all of my extra time this week I've taken the time to connect with old friends (I chatted with Daniel Ericks, one of my best friends who I've known since preschool and hadn't talked to since November), spend time with new friends (last night people came over - we played N64 and board games), and catch up on sleep (the past two days I've taken "strong" naps - 2.5 hours long!)

Additionally, tomorrow I am leaving for Spring Break. Around 45 medical students are going on a 4 night cruise that leaves out of Port Canaveral, Florida. We're going to be heading to the Bahamas. I've never been to the Caribbean and have never cruised, so I am quite excited. Don't worry - I'm packing plenty of sunscreen. I and a couple of other friends are roadtripping down, camping along the way. We're stopping at Jones Gap, SC as well as Little Balboa Island State Park. Here is our route:

Yet after Spring Break is over, that is when the real work of the first year of medical school begins. I am currently enjoying the calm before the storm. We have the hardest three sequences all in a row: Immunology, Central Nervous System, and Infections Diseases. The last is particularly notorious - a 5 week long crash courses on bugs: viruses, parasites, and bacteria. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

On another note (or more like 88 notes...), I've finally tuned my piano! Instead of paying a tuner, I bought the wrench (for less than it would have cost to have the piano tuned) and did it myself. (Even though I do not live in West Michigan anymore, I still cling tightly to my Dutch roots!) After 7 hours of tinkering (misery?) and one broken string later, the instrument is finally in tune! I've started learning a new piece: Earl Wild's transcription of the Gershwin song Embraceable You. If you click on the following link, you'll hear a bit of what I'm hopefully going to sound like:



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