Sunday, March 4, 2012

Concentrated misery vs. Prolonged discomfort

Well hello!

Much has happened since I’ve last written. Two big weeks happened, one after the other.

First and foremost, I had my last ever spring break. Back in December I received a mass email sent to the entire M1 class seeing if there was general interest in going on a cruise. To make a long story short, there was. There was a ridiculously good deal on a 4 night cruise to the Bahamas from Port Canaveral, and seeing as it was my last spring break and I have never been on a cruise before, I sprung on the deal.

I ended up driving down to Florida with three other classmates, David Giles, Heather Schofield, and Ravi Chopura. We camped on the way down, which was probably my favorite part of the trip.

Playing Euchre in the tent.

In Tennessee hiked a section of the Appalachian trail going through Great Smokey Mountain National park to a point called Charles’ Bunion. It was an outcrop that had a great view over the rest of the park, which was exceedingly beautiful, even in winter.

Charles Bunion, Great Smokey Mountain NP

The next day we camped on the beach near Jacksonville and I saw one of the most stunning sunrises I’ve ever seen over the Atlantic. (On a side note, I’ve decided that I’m a bigger fan of sunrises than sunsets. While they are early in the morning, sunrises cause the earth to come alive and sing with color, rather than having the color die and fade away into darkness.)

Sunrise over the Atlantic. Little Talbot Island SP, FL

On Monday we finally got down to Port Canaveral and boarded the Monarch of the Seas. Cruises are an interesting experience, one that I’m not sure that I’d like to repeat. Yes, it was nice having gourmet food all of the time and not having to think about where one will go next, but at

the same time, the entire experience feels contrived and artificial. Everything about the entire experience feels (and is, in fact,) manufactured. Additionally, the entire trip felt like one big money trap. Pay to get your photos; pay to have an excursion on shore; pay to have soda for the week. In life things cost money and I’m more than willing to pay for them; I just don’t like the feeling of having products pushed down my throat nearly all day. To me, getting in a car with a tent, going someplace that is relatively remote, hiking, and embracing the rest found in silence and solitude is much more relaxing than sitting on a boat in the sun.

All of this being said, I still had a fun time on the boat, entirely due to the fact that there were 50 other medical students on board. (This is not a type-o. There really were fifty.) Getting to know people who I haven’t talked to before was a good experience.

Going snorkeling!

I’ll share a brief adventure from the trip: my excursion into Nassau. To give the story a bit of context, the boat leaves at 11:30 PM, whether or not everyone is on board. At around 7 some friends and I made the decision that we were going to find a place in Nassau called the “fish fry” – a strip of restaurants offering locally caught and prepared fish. So, we found the fish fry, which was around a 20 minute walk away from the boat. The food was absolutely delicious: I had conk fritters, conk salad, and deep fried conk. After a marvelous dinner that lasted two hours, it was around 9:30, time for us to start heading back to the boat. En route we met some other medical student friends who were in search of a jazz club, and I made the decision to join them in their search. It ended up being 10:30 by the time we found the jazz restaurant, which was another 10 minute walk away from the boat. (At this point, I was starting to get a bit nervous…)

The jazz was absolutely astounding. It was an open mic night, and the entire band was incredible. I’ve never heard such marvelous live jazz in my life. In the second song a friend of mine from medical school, Sam, played jazz guitar with the band – it was a special experience. At this time it was around 11, and was far past the time that we should have left to get back to the boat. Fortunately for us, there was a woman from the Bahamas who gave us a ride back to the boat. As we were running up the pier, workers were making preparations for the boat to leave - talk about a close call!

Another special experience on the boat was I was able to give a piano concerto to my classmates, late at night in an empty auditorium. It was marvelous to share music with people again – I truly miss playing the piano for others.

On the way home we drove straight through. We left from Port Canaveral at 9 AM and got back into Ann Arbor at 3 AM. If given a choice, I will always take a concentrated period of misery rather than a prolonged period of discomfort.

The other “big” week was tech week for a play called the Smoker. The entire idea of the play is to gently poke fun at the faculty and medical education in general. This year I was Dr. Kevin Tremper, head of Anesthesiology. The plot was based on the story of Robin Hood, so the title of the play was “Thrombin Hood and his Merry Meds”.

Rehearsal for the play was every night this past week from 5:30-11:30. At the beginning of the week I was diligent during rehearsal – instead of watching the show I kept up with the material. However, at the end of the week I decided to watch the play throughout rehearsal, so I have my work cut out for me during the next few days. (Again, I would rather have a concentrated period of misery rather than prolonged discomfort.)

All in all, the show was a big hit. Everyone involved, from the musicians, to the writers, to the directors, to the actors, were all incredible. The amount of talent outside of academics here at Michigan is astounding. Yet despite how much fun it was, I am very glad to be done. It will be nice to have my nights during the week unencumbered by rehearsals.

On an aside, the alphabet soup of Immunology has started. CD28, TAP, Tregs, Vabs, Ras, CDR, ITAMs, ALPS, CCL18 and so many more little acronyms will be the exclusive content of the next few days. Yet despite the amount of acronyms and studying that is ahead, I look forward to working hard. I am doing what I want to do.




  1. Totally agree. Went on one cruise, actually to the Bahamas as well, and stopped in Nassau, too! I don't like being waited on hand and foot. I love love love hiking and being active outdoors far more so. Which is why in April (given I pass my qual exam for grad school), I'm taking a week to hike in Joshua Tree and Death Valley Nat Parks. Just me, my camera, and my loves-to-be-outside-too Mom! :)

    1. I'm jealous! National Parks are definitely the way to go. You should invest in one of the passports so that you can collect the stamps!

  2. Hi John - When I went to the Bahamas it was just a few hours on the boat, but the help never left me alone! I was so annoyed by the constant interruptions. I was trying to read and enjoy the weather! Glad you got to hike in the Smokey's Uncle Norm and I went there for our honeymoon. Loved it.

    Love you,

    Aunt Anna

    1. Aunt Anna! Hi! Great to hear from you! Hopefully you're doing well!
